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A bipartisan group of senators wants to take away Joe Biden’s war powers


Daily DC Insider

A bipartisan group of senators wants to take away Joe Biden’s war powers

A bipartisan group of senators wants to take away Joe Biden's war powers
Image Source: Voice of America

Joe Biden’s airstrike on Syria didn’t go over very well with members of Congress. There’s been plenty of criticism coming from both sides of the political aisle over the military action, and lawmakers are livid that Joe didn’t consult them.

And they’re not wrong. For far too long, presidents have enjoyed sweeping war powers that, constitutionally, are supposed to be checked by Congress’s power. But we’ve seen endless war after endless war over the decades.

That’s why a bipartisan group of senators has introduced legislation to strip Joe Biden of many of his war powers.

 “Last week’s airstrikes in Syria show that the executive branch, regardless of party, will continue to stretch its war powers,” said Senator Tim Kaine, one of the bill’s sponsors.

Congress has been on autopilot when it comes to military action overseas. They’ve handed over much of their power to a growing executive branch. It’s about time they finally take it back.

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During the two years that followed the 2008 crisis, America went through the worst recession since the Great Depression.

And throughout that same two-year timeframe when most Americans struggled to regain their footing, trading expert Andrew Keene found a unique way to make millions…

But how?

It was when he began to look closely at a company’s stock price data that he discovered an obscure 18-digit “code.” (clicking will opt you into Profit Pregame’s free daily e-letter – Privacy Policy)

This “code” let him see when the hedge funds and investment banks were making incredibly lucrative trades.

Trades that wouldn’t make sense to the everyday American simply because the company wasn’t in the news.

And at that moment, he wondered if he could continuously tag along with these mysterious trades – taking a slice of the profits along the way.

So he tested it out…

And it worked better than he could have ever dreamed (clicking will opt you in to Profit Pregame’s free daily e-letter – Privacy Policy)

Everyday America

How these two friends found out that they’re actually sisters

How these two friends found out that they're actually sisters
Image Source: Cassandra Madison

Cassandra Madison, 32, and Julia Tinetti, 31, of New Haven, Connecticut, always joked that they were sisters after they first met working at the same restaurant. They looked alike, had the same interests, and even the same tattoo. But all these years later, it turns out they were actually right. 

Both women were originally adopted from the Dominican Republic as babies. In fact, they both shared a Dominican flag tattoo. It was that unique connection that got them to become friends in the first place.

But as time went on, both Madison and Tinetti realized that they had way too many similarities to be a coincidence. Even customers at the restaurant where they worked always mixed the two up.

See how the two ladies eventually discovered their amazing family history!

If you have uplifting and heart-warming stories from your local area that exemplify everyday America, be sure to let us know. We just might include it in our next edition!

This has been John W Denton for The Local Conservative

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