Home Archives Christmas is the next target for liberals

Christmas is the next target for liberals

Daily DC Insider

Christmas is the next target for liberals

Closed written on a business door
Image Source: American Thinker 

If you think the liberal attempt to shutdown Thanksgiving was just a fluke, wait until you see what they have up their sleeves for Christmas. 

Progressives love to enact draconian policies in the name of doing what’s best for the people. But the problem with that mentality is that a one-size-fits-all approach never helps anyone. 

And now that Thanksgiving has come and gone, what better holiday to stamp out than one celebrated by conservative Christians around the country? 

Be prepared for more restrictions, limitations on travel, and rules about how many people you can have in your home. 

And forget about trying to go to a Christmas Eve worship service!

Don’t miss these political headlines

Statues vandalized in 4 states during Thanksgiving

Never less than 400% in over 4 years – what you need to know

Why all the fuss over this Biden picture?

Liberals are being hypocrites over electoral votes

The DOJ is quietly amending its execution protocols

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This Trading Strategy Could Make You Independently Wealthy

Right now there is a $50,000 trading opportunity scheduled to start paying out around December 31, 2020. 

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Click here to get in on this unique opportunity and take advantage before the seats run out!

Everyday America

How one Instagram post raised $4K for restaurant workers

Alyssa Greene
Image Source: Fox News 

A Minnesota woman used her social media skills for a good cause, raising $4,000 for restaurant servers as local lockdown orders continue to hit the food industry hard. Two hundred fifty users responded to Alyssa Greene’s Instagram post asking for small donations that her family could give to servers when they went out for the last time before lockdown orders were reinstated.

The response was mind-blowing. Check out the full story here!

 If you have uplifting and heart-warming stories from your local area that exemplify everyday America, be sure to let us know. We just might include it in our next edition!

This has been John W Denton for The Local Conservative  Be sure to check out the next edition of the newsletter for more
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