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Could this be the big scandal that finally brings down the Clintons?


Daily DC Insider

Will anyone from the White House ever visit the US-Mexico border?

Kamala Harris
Image Source: Fox News

The current administration is going to great lengths to ignore the ongoing border crisis.

We already know that Biden has no intention of visiting the US-Mexico border no matter what Psaki claims.

And despite handing the political hot potato over to Harris, the vice president doesn’t seem interested in visiting the area either.

So what gives? Well, if Biden or Harris makes an appearance at the border, it’ll be a lot harder to pretend like the crisis doesn’t exist. No matter how hard they try to ban photos and videos of the humanitarian disaster, someone will get a snapshot of them surrounded by the crisis.

And once that happens, the typical liberal spin won’t be enough to protect them from bipartisan backlash. And we’re seeing it now. Both sides of the political aisle want the White House to take action.

But at this rate, it looks like nothing will ever get done.

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Paul Mampilly is a Wall Street legend.

(Barron’s crowned his hedge fund as the “world’s best” and Kiplinger ranked it in the top 1%.)

But a few years ago, he left Wall Street.

“I just grew tired of helping the rich get richer,” Paul explains. “So I started sharing my No. 1 investment picks with Main Street Americans.”

And his No. 1 stock picks across his various research services have been phenomenal.

In 2017, he recommended Plug Power. It gained 1142% in 3.5 years.

In June 2018, he recommended Tandem Diabetes. It’s currently up 520% and still climbing.  

In December 2019, he recommended Enphase Energy. It gained 638% in 1 year. 

And in March of last year, he recommended Carvana. It’s currently up 877%and still climbing.

But Paul believes his No. 1 stock pick for 2021 could go even higher.

(By clicking this link you will be automatically opted in to Bold Profits Daily)

Everyday America

6-year-old gets hero’s welcome back to school after completing cancer treatment

Six-year-old Nathan Herber at the hospital
Image Source: Andy Herber

Six-year-old Nathan Herber received a hero’s welcome when he briefly returned to school at St. Francis of Assisi in Rochester, Minnesota.

More than 300 of his fellow students lined up in the parking lot to cheer him on as his parents slowly drove in their minivan past them. Nathan has been homeschooling this year while receiving cancer treatment.

Nathan was diagnosed with stage 4 T-cell non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma in 2018. He just received his last treatment, ending a streak of 900 days — amounting to roughly 2 1/2 years.

Having the school cheer them on, even for just a little while, was a heartwarming gesture for the family.

If you have uplifting and heart-warming stories from your local area that exemplify everyday America, be sure to let us knowWe just might include it in our next edition!

This has been John W Denton for The Local Conservative

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