Daily DC Insider
Democrats Were Hoping For Bombshell Testimony On Tuesday, But They Got A Dud.
A key witness for the Democrats in the impeachment inquiry just shot holes in the liberal narrative against the president.
Alexander Vindman, who was on the infamous Ukraine call, testified yesterday that he did not believe anything “nefarious” happened regarding the phone call and that there was no cover-up or bribery.
Vindman’s testimony confirmed the validity of the call transcript offered by the White House.
Vindman also testified that Trump did not explicitly make a quid pro quo demand during the phone call.
The lieutenant colonel is the latest among a string of key witnesses that have unequivocally stated that there was no attempt at bribery, no explicit quid pro quo, or any attempt at covering up the phone call.
What do you think? Will the Democrats still try to impeach Trump despite the results of the inquiry so far?
Yes or No?
White House Watch

65% Of Americans Say Impeachment Hearings Won’t Change Their Minds On Trump
A recent poll has revealed that an overwhelming majority of Americans say that the impeachment hearings will have no impact on their opinion of Trump.
The number of Americans supporting the impeachment of Trump has remained unchanged since before the inquiry started.
If anything, support has slightly dipped since the hearings began. Support for impeachment among Independents, a key voting group, has dropped by 10%.
52% of Americans say they definitely won’t vote for Trump in 2020. But, of course, 54% of Americans said the same thing back in 2016, and we all know how that turned out.
What do you think? Do Americans even care about the impeachment proceedings?
Yes or No?
Worth A Look
Robert Herjavec believes “the walls have finally come down” on what was once America’s most exclusive investing opportunity.
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Now there’s a way that everyone capitalize on this secret market.
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Robert reveals TWO private deals you can act on today.
Spin Control
Elizabeth Warren’s Gun Control Agenda Revealed
While Beto received most of the scrutiny from Second Amendment advocates during his campaign, many of the other Democratic candidates’ stances on gun control have flown under the radar.
Advocates are starting to sound the alarm, however, as more of Warren’s gun-control policy ideas are exposed.
Jim Geraghty from The National Review has done an excellent job of exposing Warren’s plans to undermine the Second Amendment. For instance, Warren has proposed a federal tax on guns and ammo, making it harder for middle-class Americans to exercise their right to defend themselves.
Check out the full video of Jim’s rundown on Warren’s gun control stance in the below video:
Everyday America
Pro Golfer Forgives Fan With Down Syndrome Who Yelled During Key Shot
Professional golfer Brandon Matthews was down to a sudden-death playoff in an Argentinian tournament when an excited fan distracted him, making him miss his shot.
Matthews would lose the tournament to his competitor.
The golfer thought that the fan had hollered on purpose has he prepared to take the crucial shot.
Tournament officials informed him that the noise came from a man who had Down Syndrome.
Matthews put aside his frustration and met the fan, giving him a hug. “Some things are bigger than golf, and this was one of them,” said Matthews.
This has been John W Denton for The Local Conservative.
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