Home Archives ‘Disgraceful’ – WH blasts media for turning away from daily COVID-19 briefing…

‘Disgraceful’ – WH blasts media for turning away from daily COVID-19 briefing…

Expect a coronavirus stimulus agreement in Senate, Schumer claims

Sen. Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., told reporters early Tuesday that he expects Republicans and Democrats in the Senate to come together and reach an agreement on the $2 trillion coronavirus stimulus package. 

President Trump said on Monday that the Senate Democrats were “playing partisan politics” and should make the deal. 

It’s rather depressing that while Americans suffer, Democrats are worried about airplane emissions and solar power…

White House blasts CNN, MSNBC for cutting away from daily COVID-19 briefing

AOC: Coronavirus outbreak is good for the liberal cause  

WATCH: Ted Cruz rips Democrats for blocking stimulus bill  

Democrats Demand Money for Elections in Bill  

Bloomberg/DNC flout campaign finance laws, massively disappoint Democrats  

DC trying to keep crowds from cherry blossoms…  

Plant a Victory Garden to combat coronavirus fears and isolation

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Five hundred miles outside of Silicon Valley…

This tiny company — trading under a code name — is about to unleash a radical, new $12 trillion technology. 

Mark my words…

Fortunes will be made.

BlackRock, JPMorgan Chase and Deutsche Bank — to name just a few — have all started quietly scooping up shares.

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This stock may never be this cheap again. Now is the perfect time to grab as many shares as possible.

PS: We’d love your opinion: How useful was today’s Local Conservative?

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Note: percentages are updated once per week on Sundays and include all feedback since inception.

This has been John W Denton for The Local Conservative


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