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George W. Bush Calls George Floyd’s Death, Harassment A “Shocking Failure” In Open Letter; Donald Trump Fires Back


Daily DC Insider

Biden never says how he’ll restore order, here’s why

President Trump has promised to quell the violent attack on our country, and said: “Where there is no safety, there is no future.” He is correct.

But what’s Biden’s plan to restore order?

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More Political NewsAs riots rage, Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer rescinds her lockdown order, readies state to reopenGovernor Cuomo Talks of ‘Displacing’ Mayor de Blasio After ‘Disgraceful’ Response to Riots

In new filing, Justice Department pushes for end to Flynn case

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A famous Wall Street firm paid a man $20 million who has invented something so powerful they had to get a small glimpse of its capabilities.

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This is something you must see…

Trump says GOP ‘forced’ to seek other state to host convention, slamming North Carolina governor

George W. Bush Calls George Floyd’s Death, Harassment A “Shocking Failure” In Open Letter; Donald Trump Fires Back

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This has been John W Denton for The Local Conservative


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