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Lawmakers are actually working together on this major issue


Daily DC Insider

How Harris is advocating for lawlessness at the US-Mexico border

Vice President Kamala Harris
Image Source: Las Cruces Sun-News

On Sunday morning, the president of the Border Patrol union lambasted Vice President Harris for campaigning for illegal immigrants and, as a result, “advocating for lawlessness” that has spread across the country.

“This is a problem that she created. She even came out and said that she’s an advocate for illegal aliens,” said Brandon Judd.

Only a few days after finishing her first international trip since entering office, Harris has been dogged by concerns about her decision not to visit the US-Mexico border. Biden and Harris have yet to visit the border.

How long will this administration continue to ignore a problem that they helped create?

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How this suspicious death is connected to the Clintons

Watch as Biden gaffes his way through the G7 summit

These pro-impeachment Republicans could lose their seats. Here’s how

AOC makes more excuses for these radical Squad comments

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Everyday America

Student paralyzed during football game amazes crowd during graduation

Student walking during graduation
Image Source:  Mike White/Post-Gazette/Twitter

To the surprise of his friends and classmates, a Pittsburgh high schooler who was paralyzed three years ago during a football game earned a standing ovation at his high school graduation as he rose from his wheelchair and walked 10 yards to get his diploma.

“That felt better than any touchdown I ever scored,” said Hayden Hamilton.

Hayden’s life was changed forever on the same field at Laurel High School where he graduated when, as a sophomore on the football team, he was gravely injured after a tackle in 2018.

Check out the amazing video of Hayden walking to receive his diploma. It’s absolutely inspiring!

If you have uplifting and heart-warming stories from your local area that exemplify everyday America, be sure to let us know. We just might include it in our next edition!

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This has been John W Denton for The Local Conservative

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