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Liberals are suing to stop an audit of the 2020 election


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Bush just revealed who he voted for in the 2020 election

George W. Bush
Image Source: Bess Adler

George Dubbya just revealed who he voted for in the 2020 election, and it may come as a surprise to many. It turns out the former president didn’t vote for Biden or Trump. Instead, he opted to write in Condoleezza Rice’s name.

“She knows it,” he told People. “But she told me she would refuse to accept the office.”

Many have argued that Rice would be a viable GOP candidate president, but Rice has no intentions of ever running.

And the relationship between the Bush and Trump families hasn’t been friendly. Trump defeated George’s brother Jeb in the 2016 primary.

But more importantly, Bush has become more critical of the GOP over the last few years, especially when it comes to immigration. While far from agreeing with Democrats on how to handle the ongoing problem (he is from Texas), he does believe Republicans could have a bit more compassion for the situation.

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Everyday America

Twins’ Christmas dreams come true thanks to a balloon

Luna and Gianella Gonzalez
Image Source: Leticia Flores-Gonzalez

Christmas wishes do come true!

In December, Luna and Gianella Gonzalez, 4-year-old twins from Liberal, Kansas, released star-shaped balloons with their holiday gift wish list attached for Santa.

The sisters’ mother, Leticia Gonzalez, said that while the balloon send off was a special moment for the girls, she had no expectations that anyone would respond to wishes written on the balloons.

The balloons didn’t reach the North Pole, but one of the fliers made its way to Alvin Bamburg in Grand Cane, Louisiana. Bamburg retrieved the note on the balloon. “I opened it, and it was a Christmas list. I just had to do something for them,” said Bamburg.

Bamburg decided to post a photo of the note on Facebook and eventually learned who released the balloon for Santa. With help from family and friends, he shipped all the gifts — with the exception of the puppy — to the Gonzalez household.

If you have uplifting and heart-warming stories from your local area that exemplify everyday America, be sure to let us know. We just might include it in our next edition!

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This has been John W Denton for The Local Conservative

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