Home Archives Liberals don’t even live by their own standards…

Liberals don’t even live by their own standards…


Daily DC Insider

AOC’s attempts to continuing blaming Trump backfire big time

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
Image Source: Manuel Balce Ceneta

During a recent trip to Puerto Rico to visit her grandmother, AOC tried to blame Donald Trump for the poor living conditions she witnessed.

But Twitter wasn’t having any of her nonsense. Twitter users pointed out how AOC owns an expensive Tesla, gets paid well for her job in Congress, and lives in two costly apartments.

AOC, a socialist, should know better. Isn’t she supposed to share her wealth with the less fortunate? And the fact that she doesn’t appear to be helping her own grandmother should raise questions about her character.

Of course, this is typical of liberal elites. They talk out of both sides of their mouths while trying to force everyone to live by standards they don’t even keep.

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Everyday America

Woman donates kidney to husband’s ex-wife after wedding

Debby-Neal Strickland, Jim Merthe, and Mylaen Merthe
Image Source: Debby-Neal Strickland

Debby-Neal Strickland gave a kidney to Jim Merthe’s ex-wife Mylaen Merthe two days after they married.

Despite the fact that Jim and Mylaen have been divorced for nearly two decades, they got along swimmingly while raising their two children.

Mylaen, 59, had been suffering from kidney illness for a long time. Debby chose to donate a kidney because she knew Mylaen was about to become a grandma for the first time.

What a kind gesture!

If you have uplifting and heart-warming stories from your local area that exemplify everyday America, be sure to let us know. We just might include it in our next edition!

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This has been John W Denton for The Local Conservative

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