Home Archives Mayor blames coronavirus for massive surge in NYC crime

Mayor blames coronavirus for massive surge in NYC crime


Daily DC InsiderThe GOP and Trump are split on stimulus details

In a sudden pivot from previous plans, Mitch McConnell announced that he hopes to unveil a handful of new stimulus bills in the Senate, instead of one comprehensive bill.

The move is apparently due to disagreements between the White House and congressional Republicans over multiple details of the stimulus proposal.

One of the biggest obstacles is Trump’s push for a payroll tax cut.

Will American’s get a new round of stimulus money, or will congress take too long to act?

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We are entering a Golden Age of biotech

While the tech sector has outperformed itself the last few months, it’s important to note that not all tech should be traded in the same way.

While the obvious Big Tech stocks are bringing in substantial profit, there are other lesser-known tech stocks that could actually outperform the major companies.

See what Jeff Clark has to say about the rise of the biotech sector.

Is this the end of “buy and hold?”

Sponsored Content:(clicking will opt you in to Profit Pregame’s free daily e-letter – privacy policy)This could kill buy and hold forever.

One guy made $38,000 in three weeks….another over $26,000 and another guy has been averaging $1325 a day in profits since he started.

And Bill Z posted he’s hit on 37 of 44 trades since he started using this 1 strategy.(clicking will opt you in to Profit Pregame’s free daily e-letter – privacy policy)

That’s an 84% win rate.

To see how they do it click here.
(clicking will opt you in to Profit Pregame’s free daily e-letter – privacy policy)

This has been John W Denton for The Local Conservative