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The one thing the GOP needs to do to win elections..


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House Republicans hold their own hearing on pandemic origins

House Minority Whip Steve Scalise
Image Source: Fox News

On Tuesday, Republican members of the House convened their own hearing on the origins of the global pandemic, demanding that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi convene a bipartisan one. They also urged the House to adopt a bill declassifying all intelligence linked to the virus.

Republicans had invited Dr. Anthony Fauci and Francis Collins, director of the National Institutes of Health (NIH), but their hearing had no subpoena power to compel them to testify, according to House Minority Whip Steve Scalise, R-La.

“Perplexingly, Speaker Pelosi has refused to allow a single hearing – calling it a ‘diversion.’ As the American people will hear today from our expert witnesses, this is far from a diversion,” said Scalise.

And you can bet that Democrats will continue to make excuses for their inaction.

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There’s no doubt that the cryptocurrency space has seen astronomical growth over the last few months. And with multinational corporate backing pouring in – from companies like J.P. Morgan and MasterCard – it’s hard to deny that cryptos are here to stay. The only trick is getting a foot in the door before other investors take notice. Check out this special report to get started

Everyday America

Cyclist donates kidney to a complete stranger

A cyclist riding a bike on a trail
Image Source: Getty Images

After giving a kidney to a complete stranger, Mark Scotch recently completed a 150-mile bike ride. The 64-year-old marathon cyclist became friends with Hugh Smith and offered to be his donor after learning he needed a transplant.

But because they weren’t a match, he donated a kidney in Hugh’s name to a stranger, and Hugh obtained a new kidney from another donor as a result. You can read the full details of this fantastic story here.

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This has been John W Denton for The Local Conservative

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