Home Archives The secret the Clinton administration has been hiding for years

The secret the Clinton administration has been hiding for years


Daily DC Insider

Biden set to start major spending spree with proposed federal budget

President Joe Biden
Image Source: Stefani Reynolds

Joe Biden is ready to spend your hard-earn tax dollars as quickly as he can snatch them away from your paycheck.

Biden is proposing $6 trillion worth of spending for fiscal year 2022, rising to $8.2 trillion by fiscal year 2031.

According to documents obtained by the New York Times, the president intends to fund his program by raising taxes on corporations and the wealthy, with budget deficits beginning to decline in the 2030s.

Of course, by raising taxes on corporations and business owners, Biden is just raising the cost of living for everyone. Those taxes will be passed down to consumers by large companies. In a way, we’ll all see a tax increase.

And politicians always promise that things will get better in the future. In reality, there’s always something that derails the government’s plans when it comes to lowering our budget deficit. This won’t be any different.

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Gold is in Trouble

This is nuts…

Not only is China testing new digital currency wallets…

Not only did its biggest banks ban gold…

But the country also just pulled the rug out from under the biggest IPO in history… a fintech that threatened Beijing’s financial firepower.

What’s happening around the world is scary…

The rules of money are quickly being rewritten.

But it could get worse… much worse.

I say it’s big trouble.

I’ve outlined what’s happening…and what you can do right now to get prepared.

All the details are at this link.
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Everyday America

A drug dealer is now a lawyer thanks to this judge’s mercy

A lawyer being sworn in by a judge
Image Source: Edward Martell

Edward Martell was a 27-year-old high school dropout facing a 20-year sentence when he first appeared in Judge Bruce Morrow’s Wayne County Circuit courtroom.

He was sworn in as a member of the Michigan State Bar in Morrow’s courtroom earlier this month.

Martell faced up to 20 years in jail after pleading guilty to selling and producing crack cocaine.

Rather than throwing the book at Martell, Judge Morrow sentenced him to three years of probation and challenged him to come to court with a goal, such as becoming a corporate leader, the next time.

Martell got a full college scholarship to law school, passed the examinations, and was sworn in as a member of the Michigan Bar last week by the same judge that gave him a second chance.

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This has been John W Denton for The Local Conservative

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