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This state plans to make their mask mandate permanent despite vaccine success


Daily DC Insider

This state plans to make their mask mandate permanent despite vaccine success

Image Source: Lionel Bonaventure

While more states ease their pandemic restrictions thanks to high rates of vaccination, Oregon officials are arguing for the continuation of their mask rules.

Top Oregon health officials said they want to make the current mask mandate permanent in their state, forcing residents to wear masks inside businesses and offices indefinitely.

According to the officials, they promise to rescind the rule once health experts deem it safe to do so. But as critics pointed out, the government isn’t sharing the metrics or scientific standards that would trigger the need to end the mandate.

“When will masks be unnecessary? What scientific studies do these mandates rely on, particularly now that the vaccine is days away from being available to everyone?” said state Republican Senator Kim Thatcher.

Indeed, this seems to be a classic case of government officials desperately trying to hold on to their newfound power, even as the pandemic seems to be coming to an end in the US.

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But if you think that’s bad for the stock market… think again.

Biden has released an incredible economic force.

The same economic force that helped build the incredible bull market of the 1990s…

A market that minted a whole new generation of millionaires.

I’m talking about unchecked government spending.

Today, government spending in certain areas of our economy could send a handful of stocks soaring to new heights…

Matt McCall — America’s #1 stock picker —just named 5 stocks that he believes could skyrocket during this Biden boom…

Everyday America

This 12-year-old genius has plans to be a NASA engineer

This 12-year-old genius has plans to be a NASA engineer
Image Source: Daphne McQuarter

Alena Wicker of Texas is on her way to Arizona State University, putting her one step closer to achieving her goal of working for NASA.

The 12-year-old prodigy graduated from high school this year. After exceeding expectations in all of her homeschool classes, she’s ready to conquer other goals on her list.

“I just had a goal that I wanted to get to,” said Alena. “It doesn’t matter what your age or what you’re planning to do. Go for it, dream, then accomplish it.”

Alena will be pursuing a dual degree at Arizona State University. She has her eyes set on a double major in astronomical and planetary science and chemistry.

If you have uplifting and heart-warming stories from your local area that exemplify everyday America, be sure to let us know. We just might include it in our next edition!

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This has been John W Denton for The Local Conservative

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