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Watch these officials prove that voter fraud happened


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Watch these officials prove that voter fraud happened

Watch these officials prove that voter fraud happened
Image Source: WVLT

A group of dedicated election officials in Coffee County, Georgia are blowing the whistle on Dominion’s voting machines, and they have video evidence to prove their case.

The county is refusing to certify their final recount, thanks to concerns over the accuracy of the Dominion ballot scanners used on election day.

Coffee County officials took the time to make a video showing how the machines allowed blank ballots to be scanned and altered in the database.

The video is mind-blowing and proves what many poll watchers and election officials have been trying to tell us all along.

You need to take a moment and check out the full video because the mainstream media refuses to show it!

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Wall Street Confessions from an Ex-Floor Trader Turned Multimillionaire 

Even as 22 million Americans lost their jobs… 97,000 small businesses closed for good… and riots spread through every major American city… 

Wall Street continued to rake in money:

Goldman Sachs brought in $10.748 billion so far.

JPMorgan brought in $29.94 billion.

Morgan Stanley brought in $11.7 billion.

Now, how have these firms done so well when the entire world is paralyzed by a pandemic? (clicking will opt you in to Profit Pregame’s free e-letter – privacy policy)

NOT by playing fair, I’ll tell you that much. 

But that doesn’t mean you can’t level the playing field… 

And use Wall Street for your own financial gain. (clicking will opt you in to Profit Pregame’s free e-letter – privacy policy

You see, one former floor trader made himself a millionaire by beating Wall Street at its own game.

He discovered an obscure 18-digit “code” that let him see when the hedge funds and investment banks were making incredibly lucrative trades. The kinds of trades that almost certainly had the benefit of inside information.
(clicking will opt you in to Profit Pregame’s free e-letter – privacy policy)

Everyday America

4-year-old rescued from Texas well

4-year-old rescued from Texas well
Image Source: MSN

A 4-year-old Texas boy is recovering after getting trapped in a well at a local ranch.

The boy fell down the well near Garceño, Texas while taking a walk with his parents. Four local fire departments assisted in the complex rescue effort.

“What was key in the successful outcome of this too, was that everybody pitched in—everybody,” said assistant Mission Fire Chief Robert Alvarez. “You saw a sheriff’s officer with a shovel helping us move soil…whatever needed to be done.”  

Check out the rest of the story to learn more about this incredible rescue effort!

If you have uplifting and heart-warming stories from your local area that exemplify everyday America, be sure to let us know. We just might include it in our next edition!

This has been John W Denton for The Local Conservative

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