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Why AOC is getting criticized by her own Squad


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Why AOC is getting criticized by her own Squad

Why AOC is getting criticized by her own Squad
Image Source: Fox News

Rep. Ilhan Omar has criticized fellow lawmakers for getting the vaccine before critical care workers and the elderly. 

Omar’s comments seemed to be aimed at both Pelosi and fellow Squad member AOC, who enthusiastically got the vaccine as soon as it was available to members of Congress.

Lawmakers like Omar make a good point: should politicians be jumping the line to receive a vaccine that’s already being controlled by the government?

Of course, Congress members who have already gotten the vaccine claim they did so to prove to Americans that it’s safe. But does any of that matter to the average citizen?

Either way, it’s good to see Democrats criticizing each other over the finer points of politics.

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Everyday America

Boy Scouts create a hug booth for local nursing home

Boy Scouts create a hug booth for local nursing home
Image Source: UPI

A local Boy Scout troop decided to help out the residents of a Texas nursing home who haven’t seen family members all year, thanks to stay-at-home orders.

The group made a “hug booth” that allows loved ones to safely interact with the elderly without compromising pandemic protocols. The booth includes plexiglass and sealed gloves to let guests interact with nursing home residents.

Senior citizens have been hit especially hard during the pandemic as nursing homes were forced to lock down to protect vulnerable populations from the virus.

For the full story behind this incredible project, be sure to keep reading!

If you have uplifting and heart-warming stories from your local area that exemplify everyday America, be sure to let us know. We just might include it in our next edition!

This has been John W Denton for The Local Conservative

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