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Will Joe Biden make good on this promise?


Daily DC Insider

More Democrats are turning against Joe Biden for killing the Keystone Pipeline

More Democrats are turning against Joe Biden for killing the Keystone Pipeline
Image Source: The Federalist Papers

Two high-profile Democratic lawmakers have already turned against Joe Biden for killing the Keystone Pipeline project, as the decision ended thousands of jobs and could negatively impact the American energy sector.

Sen. Joe Manchin of West Virginia and Sen. Jon Tester of Montana openly criticized Biden for using his executive powers to close down the long-anticipated project.

“We have to have the heavy crude. I rather it come from Canada than I would from Venezuela,” said Manchin during an interview on Fox News.

And Democrats are in a tough spot thanks to Biden’s decision. The party claims to represent the average working-class American but firing thousands of construction workers and pipeline specialists contradicts that stance.

Tester made it clear that he thought the pipeline was a good project and that allowing pipeline construction doesn’t go against Democrats’ stance on climate change.

If these two Democratic senators are willing to come forward, you know there’s plenty of others voicing their displeasure with the decision behind closed doors.

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Everyday America

How this Rhode Island kid is helping hospital workers in the simplest way

How this Rhode Island kid is helping hospital workers in the simplest way
Image Source: New York Daily News

A 10-year-old in Rhode Island decided he wanted to show appreciation for hospital workers for everything they’re doing during the pandemic. So, he decided to clear the snow from healthcare workers’ cars outside of a local hospital.

“I was thinking they’ve been helping us a lot through this whole pandemic, and I figured why don’t we help them, you know?” said Christian Stone during an interview with the local news.

And the nurses and doctors at the hospital are taking notice, thanking Stone for his kind gesture and helpfulness. This story is proof that even the simplest actions can go a long way in helping others!

If you have uplifting and heart-warming stories from your local area that exemplify everyday America, be sure to let us know. We just might include it in our next edition!

This has been John W Denton for The Local Conservative

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