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Biden wants to edge out the middle class from the stimulus plan


Daily DC Insider

Joe Biden chooses to cave to union extortion instead of going with science

Joe Biden chooses to cave to union extortion instead of going with science

During the presidential campaign, Joe Biden promised that he would let science lead his administration in the fight against the pandemic.

Of course, that’s not what’s happening. Now, the White House refuses to get involved in the showdown between teachers unions and school districts over the issue of reopening schools. And plenty of Americans across the country are getting fed up with the back and forth.

The CDC has already made it clear that opening schools will not pose a significant risk to students, teachers, or the general public. But Biden still refuses to put pressure on unions to get back to work.

Why? Because Biden doesn’t want to upset another group of union workers. He’s already upset one group of union workers after canceling the Keystone Pipeline. Biden can’t afford any more hate from his own fan club.

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During the two years that followed the 2008 crisis, America went through the worst recession since the Great Depression. 

And throughout that same two-year timeframe when most Americans struggled to regain their footing, trading expert Andrew Keene found a unique way to make millions… 

But how? 

It was when he began to look closely at a company’s stock price data that he discovered an obscure 18-digit “code.” (clicking will opt you in-to Profit Pregame’s free daily e-letter – Privacy Policy

This “code” let him see when the hedge funds and investment banks were making incredibly lucrative trades. 

Trades that wouldn’t make sense to the everyday American simply because the company wasn’t in the news. 

And at that moment, he wondered if he could continuously tag along with these mysterious trades – taking a slice of the profits along the way.
So he tested it out…
And it worked better than he could have ever dreamed.
(clicking will opt you in-to Profit Pregame’s free daily e-letter – Privacy Policy)

Everyday America

Little boy dances after finishing chemotherapy

Little boy dances after finishing chemotherapy
Image Source: USA Today

A 5-year-old boy rang a bell at Johns Hopkins All Children’s Hospital in St. Petersburg, signifying the end of his chemotherapy treatment for a brain tumor.

A hospital spokesperson said Jase Black has a condition called neurofibromatosis Type 1. He received 60 weeks of chemotherapy before he got to “ring out” this past week. Jase concluded his bell ringing ceremony with a few dances for the camera and hospital staff.

Thankfully, the hospital spokesperson said Jase’s brain tumor was non-cancerous. You can check out a video of Jase’s celebration here!

If you have uplifting and heart-warming stories from your local area that exemplify everyday America, be sure to let us know. We just might include it in our next edition!

This has been John W Denton for The Local Conservative

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