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Here’s what happened during the first night of the RNC


Daily DC Insider

This is how Biden plans to raise taxes if elected

During a recent interview with ABC, Joe Biden made it clear that one of his first acts as president would be to raise taxes on individuals and businesses.

Biden plans to repeal Trump’s tax cuts that lowered the corporate tax rate by 7% and to raise taxes on high earning individuals and families.

Even the liberal press has their doubts and pushed back against Biden’s idea, questioning the soundness of a plan that would increase the tax rates of companies still dealing with the coronavirus pandemic.

Even economic analysts admit that Biden’s tax plan would reduce the nation’s GDP by 1.5%.

But how will a Biden tax hike impact regular people like you?

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Don’t miss these political headlinesHere’s what happened during the first night of the RNCGuilfoyle: We build things up, not burn them down

Will liberals just stay home on election day?

This is the secret Wall Street doesn’t want you to know. Just one click gets you in on it

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This has been John W Denton for The Local Conservative

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