Home Archives President Biden’s struggle with public speaking continues to get worse

President Biden’s struggle with public speaking continues to get worse


Daily DC Insider

Both Democrats and Republicans are criticizing Biden for escalating Middle East tensions

President Joe Biden
Image Source: Fox News

Both Republicans and Democrats are criticizing President Biden for the escalating violence between Israel and Palestine, which included a Hamas rocket assault on Jerusalem.

Lawmakers from across the political spectrum have targeted Biden and his administration in response to the region’s rising instability, calling the president out on the issue.

“US taxpayer dollars should not be used to commit human rights violations. That needs to be said. I have yet to hear anybody from the Biden administration declare that,” said Democratic Senator Tlaib.

Of course, White House Press Secretary Psaki defended the Biden administration and said the president has “serious concerns” about what’s happening in Israel but stopped short of providing details of how the US planned to help.

Biden is between a rock and a hard place. No matter how he approaches the crisis in the Middle East, he’s going to face criticism. And that’s a problem of his own making.

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Everyday America

This kid is on a mission to help the homeless

Children making supply kits for the homeless
Image Source: CBS News

An 8-year-old boy in Virginia is going above and beyond to assist the homeless.

Last year, Zohaib Begg took on the task of collecting as many personal protective devices for front-line personnel as possible. He eventually gathered over 6,000 objects. Now, the self-proclaimed “Chief Kindness Officer” is focusing on uplifting homeless people in his community.

Begg recently set a goal of reaching 1,000 people in need for Global Youth Service Day, the world’s largest youth service festival.

“The reason I want to give to the homeless is because every time I go to D.C. I see it’s a problem with my own eyes, and I had the desire to help them from my own heart,” said Begg. “I also want to show children that no matter your age, you can always make a difference and a positive impact in your community. You just have to find the problem and find one solution.” 

Begg claims that his work is far from over. He’s a happy third-grader as long as he’s supporting people around him.

If you have uplifting and heart-warming stories from your local area that exemplify everyday America, be sure to let us know. We just might include it in our next edition!

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This has been John W Denton for The Local Conservative

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