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Some Republicans want to start an Anti-Trump third party


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Some Republicans want to start an Anti-Trump third party

Some Republicans want to start an Anti-Trump third party
Image Source: People.com

Dozens of former Republican officials, who view the party as unwilling to stand up to former President Donald Trump, are in talks to form a center-right third party, according to four people involved in the discussions.

So far, the movement includes former Republican elected officials, staff members from the Reagan, George H.W. Bush, George W. Bush, and Trump administrations, former ambassadors, and party strategists, according to those close to the situation.

More than 120 supporters held a video conference last week to discuss plans to move forward with the creation of the party. The organizers plan to center the party platform around the Constitution, principled conservatism, and the rule of law – all things they claim Trump rejected during his presidency.

Based on what we know so far, this party sounds like it’s doomed to fail. Even worse: it could significantly harm the GOP. If Republicans are consistent in one thing, it’s shooting their fellow conservatives in the back.

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Everyday America

Seven-year-old with cerebral palsy saves his family from carbon monoxide poisoning

Seven-year-old with cerebral palsy saves his family from carbon monoxide poisoning
Image Source: Fox News

A Texas family is praising their seven-year-old son for saving their lives.

Michael Martinez, who has cerebral palsy and uses a wheelchair, heard a beeping sound in the night when the rest of the family was asleep at their home in Atascocita.

Although he was not sure what it was, he crawled to his parents’ room to wake them up. It turns out the beeping came from a carbon monoxide alarm. The family wasn’t sure what the beeping meant, so they turned to Google.

They soon found out it meant there were deadly levels of carbon monoxide in their home. They immediately called poison control and left the home. Two family members suffered severe symptoms from carbon monoxide poisoning but have made a full recovery thanks to Michael’s quick thinking!

If you have uplifting and heart-warming stories from your local area that exemplify everyday America, be sure to let us know. We just might include it in our next edition!

This has been John W Denton for The Local Conservative

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