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This is why so many people think getting vaccinated is pointless…


Daily DC Insider

Bernie fans get burned by Democrats after selling their souls

Nancy Pelosi and Bernie Sanders supporters
Image Source: Big League Politics

During the 2020 election, supporters of Bernie Sanders were convinced to sell their souls to the DNC. They were told that if they supported the establishment, they would get everything they ever wanted. So how’s that working out for them?

It turns out they were sold a load of garbage. One of Sander’s biggest policy points was student loan forgiveness, and Biden swore it would be one of his top priorities if he won the White House. Not only has Biden totally backed away from that promise, now other Democratic leaders are throwing cold water on the idea.

In a surprising turn, Nancy Pelosi recently called student loan forgiveness unfair. “Suppose…your child just decided they, at this time, [do] not want to go to college, but you’re paying taxes to forgive somebody else’s obligations. You may not be happy about that,” said Pelosi.

I really do feel bad for Sanders supporters, but they were warned. This is what you get when you trust the DNC.

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This is why so many people think getting vaccinated is pointless…

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Now, investing legend Louis Navellier has just updated his Top 6 Stocks to Buy Now.

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Special Update

Are we in for a Black Swan event?

A black swan
Image Source: Better Way To Wealth

If you saw the last video on the looming risk of new lockdowns, then you won’t want to miss out on this eye-opening follow-up. If the country is locked down again, a lot of people have every reason to be worried.

And my friend Tim Melvin has unique insight on how to protect your portfolio and maybe even realize some impressive gains while you’re at it. 

Not sure what a Black Swan event is? Well, check out Tim’s latest video to find out! He’ll provide information that is crucial to protecting your hard-earned money if this happens.

This has been John W Denton for The Local Conservative

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