Home Archives Trump’s Christian Base May Be Eroding

Trump’s Christian Base May Be Eroding


White House Watch

VIDEO: Colbert Blasts Trump ‘Disaster,’ Asks Biden: ‘Are You Gonna Beat This Guy?’

After opening Thursday night’s Late Show by labeling a visit from President Trump to be the latest “disaster” to befall the state of Michigan, liberal host Stephen Colbert later began a softball interview with presumptive Democratic nominee Joe Biden by hopefully asking: “Are you gonna beat this guy?”

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More Political NewsFBI Director Orders Internal Investigation Of Flynn Probe. Here’s What He’s Looking For

This Trump Campaign Response to Biden’s ‘You Ain’t Black’ Remark Is Absolutely Epic

Sponsored Content:The “perfect” strategy is a myth. We all know that.
But when officially sanctioned documents show a 99.52% win rate over 6 years and 3 years that contained zero losing days…

Well, you’re on to something pretty darn close.Shocking Video Reveals Full Story
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Trump’s Christian Base May Be Eroding

Anti-Trump Pundit Tries Jabbing Trump on Unemployment, Accidentally Slams Whitmer Instead

This has been John W Denton for The Local Conservative

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