Daily DC Insider
The numbers are in and most Americans don’t want to defund police

According to a recent poll by Fox News, over 60% of Americans don’t support the “defund the police” movement.
Funding for police departments has come under scrutiny after the most recent string of police shootings. The top cities in the US have already moved to reduce their overall spending for their police departments, though the aggregate drop was only 5%.
Most Americans are more concerned about the economy, gun laws, and health care. And even Democrats are split on the issue of police funding, with just over 50% of registered Democrats saying they support defunding or reducing police department budgets.
Most Americans understand that the issue of policing is a complicated one. Wanting reform within police culture and demanding that all police departments get defunded are two different things entirely.
“This critical legislation will put an end to the government’s practice of buying its way around the Bill of Rights by purchasing the personal and location data of everyday Americans,” said Rand Paul in describing the purpose of the bill.
This is definitely the type of bipartisan cooperation we need to see more of among our lawmakers.
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This is how you could be winning both ways
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INTRODUCING… the Win-Both-Ways Trade
When I left the Chicago Board Options Exchange years ago…
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Everyday America
How one California woman has changed over 80 lives

For the past 34 years, Linda Owens has cared for a total of 81 infants as a foster mother.
The Hayward, California resident, a retired grocery manager, has dedicated her life to helping little ones in the foster system have a safe and comforting home.
“It’s a challenging job but very rewarding. “This is what God’s handed me a gift to do,” said Owens.
Owens says she’s loved taking care of babies since she was a child and couldn’t imagine doing anything else with her life.
If you have uplifting and heart-warming stories from your local area that exemplify everyday America, be sure to let us know. We just might include it in our next edition!
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The Best Seven Minutes To Start Your Day

I get a lot of emails from readers looking for recommendations about what’s going on outside of the political arena. I’ll be honest – if I’m looking for a daily round-up that’s both deep and wide, there’s only one place I turn. And that’s The Seven At 7. In fact, it’s the newsletter I turn to as soon as I’ve gotten your first edition ready to go each day. Best of all – I get all of the news I need (and some I didn’t even know I needed) in a short, seven-minute read. Add it to your daily routine. You can thank me later…
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This has been John W Denton for The Local Conservative
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