Daily DC Insider
Why you shouldn’t believe anything John Kerry says

The New York Times has suddenly decided to do real journalism and just so happened to pick a fight with the Biden administration.
According to the Times, John Kerry betrayed America to Iranian officials by revealing highly classified information to an Iranian diplomat.
Now, Iran has yet to refute the authenticity of leaked audio from the sit-down between Kerry and Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammed Javad Zarif. That, in and of itself, should worry the White House.
Of course, Kerry has denied everything, and the liberal spin machine has already spit out excuse after excuse for Kerry.
But We already know that John Kerry can’t be trusted. Many Democrats do not even trust him. Remember the 2004 election? He was a pariah way back then.
There’s no reason to question the validity of the leaked audio. And the fact that Iran has remained quiet should sound alarm bells within the Biden administration.
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A brilliant man by the name of Chris Rowe is making a strong prediction…
And it’s important you know about this in time.
Why should you pay attention to Chris Rowe’s latest prediction?
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For one simple reason…
He has one of the best track records in America when it comes to spotting the massive stock market moves before they happen.
Look at this.
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Everyday America
This biker rode nearly 1500 miles to meet the family of his heart donor
Mike Cohen is a cancer survivor. He bravely fought and beat leukemia, but the treatment took a toll on his heart.
An avid cyclist, Cohen’s heart started to fail while he embarked on an ambitious cycling journey from San Diego to New York. He was always tired no matter how much rest he got. Then, he started to have chest pains.
Tests revealed his heart had been damaged by his cancer treatments. The only choice was staying connected to a machine to help his heart beat as they waited for a donor.
After finally receiving a donor’s heart, Cohen was so thankful that he wanted to make a special cross-country trip, by bike, to visit the family of the man that gave him a new heart.
You don’t want to miss how this touching story ends!
If you have uplifting and heart-warming stories from your local area that exemplify everyday America, be sure to let us know. We just might include it in our next edition!
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The Best Seven Minutes To Start Your Day

I get a lot of emails from readers looking for recommendations about what’s going on outside of the political arena. I’ll be honest – if I’m looking for a daily round-up that’s both deep and wide, there’s only one place I turn. And that’s The Seven At 7. In fact, it’s the newsletter I turn to as soon as I’ve gotten your first edition ready to go each day. Best of all – I get all of the news I need (and some I didn’t even know I needed) in a short, seven-minute read. Add it to your daily routine. You can thank me later…
Click here and you’re in. Trust me – it’s already earned the “John Denton Stamp of Approval.”
This has been John W Denton for The Local Conservative
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