Home Archives Chairman of Joint Chiefs issues apology for appearing with Trump in this...

Chairman of Joint Chiefs issues apology for appearing with Trump in this photo…


White House Watch

McEnany: Biden’s Comments on Trump, Military ‘Ridiculous’

Apparently Joe thinks Trump will hunker down in the White House and refuse to leave if he loses in November.

And White House Press Secretary McEnany had plenty to say in response to Joe’s comments.

But does the left really think Trump will refuse to leave office if he loses?

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More Political News

WATCH: Symone Sanders Tells Despicable Lie About President Trump on ‘The View’

Chairman of Joint Chiefs issues apology for appearing with Trump in this photo…

Sponsored Content:Every year I release “my No. 1 stock” recommendation.

In 2016, I recommended Tableau Software … it shot up 199%.

In 2017, I recommended Foundation Medicine … it shot up 524%.

In 2018, I recommended Roku … it shot up 393%.

In 2019, I recommended MTech Acquisitions …it shot up 332%.

But this year … due to the recent crash in the stock market …

I’m releasing my No. 1 stock early, and I’m giving it an urgent, “all in” buy alert.

The details are this new video presentation.

Woke Capitalism: Advertisers Pressure Facebook to Censor Trump

Joe Biden and the NAACP Kick ‘Defund the Police’ to the Curb

This has been John W Denton for The Local Conservative

Be sure to check out the next edition of the newsletter for more

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