Home Archives Messy Georgia primary raises alarms for November. Here’s what went down

Messy Georgia primary raises alarms for November. Here’s what went down


Daily DC Insider

Barr Provides Updates On Durham Probe, Hits Media For Advancing ‘Sensational’ Collusion Narrative

Barr gave an update on the Durham Investigation, and he’s “very troubled” by what’s been brought to his attention.

Based on the current evidence, Barr blames the media for driving the sensationalism surrounding the false Russia collusion allegations.

But the AG refused to elaborate on what criminal charges will come from the investigation, but did say the public would get closure.

So what exactly will the Durham Investigation uncover?

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Absolute Mayhem: Watch Cornel West Go Berserk on Fox News’ Hannity

Messy Georgia primary raises alarms for November. Here’s what went down

Two U.S. Cities Dismantled Their Police Departments. You Won’t Believe What Happened Next…

Sponsored Content:Five hundred miles outside of Silicon Valley…
This tiny company — trading under a code name — is about to unleash a radical, new $12 trillion technology.

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Russia, China Build Case at UN to Protect Iran from US Sanctions Threat

Confirmed: “Defund The Police” Is Too Far Left For Bernie Sanders

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This has been John W Denton for The Local Conservative


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