Home Archives Death threats against Pence are being investigated

Death threats against Pence are being investigated


Daily DC Insider

Death threats against Pence are being investigated

Mike Pence
Image Source: Fox News

The Secret Service has revealed that it’s investigating specific death threats made against Mike Pence during the DC riots last week.

The threats in question were made by Lin Wood, a pro-Trump lawyer with a sizeable following on Twitter. Wood made comments calling on firing squads to execute Mike Pence for failing to stop the electoral college certification on January 6th.

The original Tweet has been deleted, and Wood has since been banned from Twitter. “We are aware of the comments and take all threats against our protectees seriously,” a Secret Service spokesman told Fox News on Saturday.

After the chaos, the hashtag “Hang Mike Pence” was trending on Twitter, though the platform says that it has now blocked the phrase.

As a society, are we reaching a new normal where all logic and rational thought has been abandoned in favor of violence and threatening speech? Let’s hope not.

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We have just uncovered perhaps the most unusual stock we’ve ever seen.

It’s expected to see massive revenue in 2020 – $100 billion.

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Everyday America

Doctor clears $650K in medical debt for patients

Dr. Omar Atiq
Image Source: CBS News

A doctor who was forced to close his cancer clinic due to his busy schedule decided to forgive $650K in debt for his patients when he realized how badly they were struggling.

Dr. Omar Atiq split his time between the University of Arkansas and the Arkansas Cancer Clinic for nearly 30 years. When the stress of both jobs became too much, Atiq decided to shut down the clinic. That’s when the doctor realized that many of the clinic’s patients were struggling to pay their bills.

Rather than continue collection efforts, Atiq decided to cancel the debt of around 200 patients, informing them of the relief effort via holiday cards.

You can read more about this touching act of kindness here!

If you have uplifting and heart-warming stories from your local area that exemplify everyday America, be sure to let us know. We just might include it in our next edition!

This has been John W Denton for The Local Conservative

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