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DOJ Review of Mueller Report Now Upgraded to Criminal Investigation


Daily DC Insider

DOJ Review of Mueller Report Now Upgraded to Criminal Investigation

Things are getting very interesting in the probe of the Russia investigation headed by Mueller. The Department of Justice has reportedly upgraded the inquiry from an administrative review to a criminal investigation.

Such a move gives Connecticut US Attorney John Durham the power to issue subpoenas and convene a grand jury.

As you can guess, the move upset Democrat leaders who claim that the change merely makes the DOJ a political tool for Trump.

You’ll remember, though, how the Democrats hounded the DOJ to get to the bottom of any connection between Trump and Russia.

It seems like the Democrats want the DOJ only to do its job when it’s politically convenient for the Democrats.

Be sure to read the full details of this breaking news here.


White House Watch

All Americans Benefit From Trump’s Work as President.

The White House released a fact-sheet on Friday lining up the details of President Trump’s work to allow all Americans a chance at the American dream.

Despite the Left’s assertion that Trump is racist, the president laid out his plan for justice reform due to concerns that sentencing laws disproportionately impacted African Americans. In particular, 90% of those impacted by Trump’s 2018 First Step Act sentencing reduction were African American.

The fact sheet also showed that under Trump’s guidance, Americans from all walks of life are benefiting from the growing economy.

All of this is very clear to those of us who have been paying attention.

Take a look at the fact sheet here and judge for yourself!


Spin Control

Impeachment Polls Not Telling The Whole Story.

Pro-impeachment politicians frequently point to national polls claiming a majority of Americans are in favor of a Trump impeachment.

The problem with that, says the Wall Street Journal’s own Kimberley Strassel, is that liberals keep forgetting that polls made similar claims about Hillary Clinton defeating Trump in 2016. That’s something that even Strassel’s employer got wrong.

Second, Strassel points out that many of the respondents are Trump supporters toying with the pollsters.

At any rate, given the Main Stream Media’s track record with polls over the last few years, do you think you can trust what they’re saying about impeachment?

Check out the link here that gives the full details of Strassel’s thought-provoking point of view.


Everyday America

Runner With “Jesus Saves” Bib Saved By Nurse Named Jesus After Collapsing During Race

A Minnesota runner’s bib may have turned out to be prophetic.

25-year-old Tyler Moon, a customer service agent for General Mills, was running a 10-mile race when he suddenly collapsed and cracked his skull on the pavement.

In a fantastic twist of fate, Moon had changed his running bib to include the phrase “Jesus Saves” before the race only to be helped by a fellow runner and registered nurse named Jesus Bueno.

Moon’s heart had stopped, and Bueno performed chest compressions until paramedics arrived. Moon survived without complications.

For Moon, Jesus did indeed save.

Take a minute and read the entire story here.

For all of your Local Conservative news, this has been John W Denton.

John is a historical and political writer, author, and blogger who focuses on Conservative issues and policies.