Home Archives Senators Introduce Resolution Condemning Impeachment Proceedings

Senators Introduce Resolution Condemning Impeachment Proceedings


Daily DC Insider

 Senators Introduce Resolution Condemning Impeachment Proceedings.

As you can already guess, the impeachment process is still dragging through the headlines. Thankfully, Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Lindsey Graham and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell introduced a formal resolution that criticizes the Democrats’ impeachment probe of President Trump.

Graham stated during a press conference that the resolution seeks to show that the impeachment process is “out of bounds.” McConnell concurred, arguing that the current process breaks precedent by denying the president rights afforded past administrations.

It’s doubtful the resolution will accomplish anything, but Republicans need to continue to put pressure on the Democrats during this whole debacle.

You can read more about the resolution here.


White House Watch

White House Canceling Times and Post Subscriptions

President Trump is fed up with the Times and the Washington Post and has directed federal agencies not to renew subscriptions to the newspapers.

White House press secretary Stephanie Grisham confirmed the rumor to a Politico reporter.

Trump has been critical of the coverage he has received from the Times and the Post since his election.

You probably remember how the Times and Post both fumbled on Trump’s election coverage, having to issue an apology to their readers.

It looks like Trump is serious about his hatred for fake news!

You can read more about this story from the White House here.


Spin Control

Democrats Hypocritical On Ethics

The Democrats are facing an ethics storm as racy photos and evidence of inappropriate relationships with staffers have come to light.

California Representative Katie Hill is under investigation after photos revealed an affair with one of her female campaign staffers. Hill faces an official ethics inquiry into her behavior as such relationships go against House rules.

As you know, Democrats have been vocal about the personal behavior of conservatives for years, but seem to remain quiet when one of their own steps out of line.

The same liberals who ripped Donald Trump over comments during his campaign are trying to handle this case as quietly as possible. Hypocrisy.

You can read more about the developing story here.


Everyday America

Dog Helps Teen Cope With Disability

A teenager from New Hampshire who suffers from a muscle-wasting disease can now walk and swim thanks to her dog.

13-year-old Bella Burton’s mobility is severely limited due to her condition. Her illness progressed to the point that her parents believed she would soon be wheel-chair bound.

Miraculously, Bella began to regain mobility when introduced to a Great Dane by the name of George. The Service Dog Project provided Bella’s family with George to help with her disability.

Bella says that having George around has allowed her to regain strength in her leg muscles.

Now, Bella can walk and swim all on her own.

You can read more about this heartwarming story here.

For all of your Local Conservative news, this has been John W Denton.

John is a historical and political writer, author, and blogger who focuses on Conservative issues and policies.