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Daily DC Insider

How Democrats love to break their own rules

Nancy Pelosi
Image Source: The Federalist

It’s only been a week since Democrats created a new House rule banning gendered language, but Nancy Pelosi is already breaking it.

During the recent impeachment debate, Pelosi referred to herself as “a wife, a mother, a grandmother, a daughter” despite those specific words being banned from House language.

Now, while she isn’t breaking the letter of the rule since it applies to legislative language, it’s still pretty awkward when you think about it. Why is gendered language a no-no when writing a law but not when debating on the House floor?

You’d think the person who put such a silly rule in place would try and be consistent. But it’s another example of liberals doing mental gymnastics to justify their ridiculous beliefs.

Either gendered language is ok, or it’s not. Pick a lane and stay in it!

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Everyday America

How this act of kindness helped a student get to work

How this act of kindness helped a student get to work
Image Source: Lavonda Wright Myers

A Georgia student who walked seven miles to work every day has a new set of wheels thanks to an act of kindness from a kindhearted woman.

18-year-old Jayden Sutton, a high school senior in Cobb County, was presented with a brand new car from a local Honda dealer after a fundraising campaign headed up by Lavonda Wright Myers.

Myers saw Sutton walking along the highway in the rain one day and decided to help. That’s when she came up with the idea to start a fundraiser to help the student buy a car.

You can check out the rest of this heartwarming story here!

If you have uplifting and heart-warming stories from your local area that exemplify everyday America, be sure to let us know. We just might include it in our next edition!

This has been John W Denton for The Local Conservative

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