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It’s clear that Jen Psaki is in way over her head and it just keeps getting worse


Daily DC Insider

Former officials are sounding the alarm over the national security threat the border crisis is creating

Migrant children at a facility
Image Source: Dario Lopez-Mills

The former Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) director is warning Americans that the ongoing border crisis is quickly becoming a national security threat.

“The criminal cartels control the drug cartels. They [say] go here and get this this time and this place so while all the border patrol personnel are tied up, they’re going to run their drugs — and they’re bad folks, MS-13 — to unguarded portions,” said former ICE director Thomas Homan.

Border Patrol agents are so busy trying to deal with children crossing the border that drug cartels are using it to their advantage.

What’s worse is that the cartels are likely behind the major surge of unaccompanied minors trying to cross the US-Mexico border.

Things have gotten so bad that even Joe Biden has suggested that he may have to bring back Donald Trump’s “Remain in Mexico” program.

So, in other words, Joe Biden screwed up the border.

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It’s clear that Jen Psaki is in way over her head and it just keeps getting worse

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Everyday America

Florida troopers make a routine traffic stop, end up delivering a bundle of joy

Officers pulling over the vehicle as seen from their dash cam
Image Source:  CBS-Miami

Two Florida Highway Patrol troopers thought they’d be conducting a routine traffic stop early Tuesday morning. But that turned into much more.

A little after 2 a.m. Tuesday, Troopers Michael Allen and Pete Christie saw an SUV speeding on a highway in Seminole County, Florida, according to an incident report.

The troopers pulled over the vehicle, and the driver immediately started waving his hands out of the front window, asking them to approach. Of course, the driver gave the cliche excuse that his wife was having a baby.

But that’s exactly what was happening. In fact, the driver’s wife was giving birth right there in the car! That’s when the troopers sprang into action and helped deliver the baby on the side of the road.

Florida Highway Patrol says the family is doing well and confirmed no ticket was issued to the driver.

If you have uplifting and heart-warming stories from your local area that exemplify everyday America, be sure to let us know. We just might include it in our next edition!

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This has been John W Denton for The Local Conservative

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