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Joe swears that Hunter is a good boy


Daily DC Insider

This Democrat sounds more conservative every day

Tulsi Gabbard
Image Source: Live Action News

Tulsi Gabbard has never been part of the far-left faction within the Democratic Party, but she’s still a Democrat. Despite that, she’s been on the warpath lately to push bills that any self-respecting conservative would support wholeheartedly.

Just this week, Gabbard introduced a bill to protect babies that can feel pain from being aborted. It was a complete shock to see a bill like that coming from a Democrat. Of course, her colleagues will do everything within their power to stop her.

During the 2020 primaries, Gabbard took some pretty right-leaning positions during the debates and on the campaign trail. She made it clear that we need to fix our national budget crisis and stop engaging in endless wars worldwide.

But why is Gabbard still a Democrat when it sounds like she has more in common with the GOP?

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Everyday America

Pennsylvania man goes out on a limb for needy families

Christmas trees purchased for those in need
Image Source: USA Today

Few things are as representative of Christmas as a traditional Christmas tree. But for some families, the cost of getting one is just too much, especially during a troubling year like 2020.

But that’s where people like Jeff Graham step in to help their less fortunate neighbors celebrate the holiday season.

Graham and his family went to a local Pennsylvania Christmas tree farm and bought trees for 30 families in need.

After taking home a tree for his family, Graham returned with the rollback he used for his towing business and loaded it down with emerald-green pines to give to those who couldn’t buy their own.

Now that’s a real example of the spirit of Christmas!

If you have uplifting and heart-warming stories from your local area that exemplify everyday America, be sure to let us know. We just might include it in our next edition!

This has been John W Denton for The Local Conservative

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