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Nancy Pelosi is doubling down on this ridiculous rule


Daily DC Insider

Biden’s Supreme Court commission is set to meet as abortion case looms

President Joe Biden
Image Source: Fox News

President Joe Biden’s commission to review possible reforms to the United States Supreme Court, including increasing the number of judges, as some liberal advocates have urged, is scheduled to hold its first public meeting on Wednesday, just two days after the court re-entered the abortion debate.

On April 9, Biden signed an executive order establishing the 36-member commission to investigate potential changes to the nation’s highest judicial body, such as expanding beyond the current nine justices or instituting term limits rather than lifetime appointments.

The commission is a blatant example of Democrats trying to pack the Supreme Court to sway it to the left, as the court currently holds a 6-3 conservative majority.

If all goes according to plan, the commission will release a report in six months. Most likely, it will recommend expanding the court so left-leaning justices can be added by Joe Biden.

This is something that the American people need to pay attention to, as it’s a liberal power grab that could last for generations.

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Gold is in Trouble

This is nuts…

Not only is China testing new digital currency wallets…

Not only did its biggest banks ban gold…

But the country also just pulled the rug out from under the biggest IPO in history… a fintech that threatened Beijing’s financial firepower.

What’s happening around the world is scary…

The rules of money are quickly being rewritten.

But it could get worse… much worse.

I say it’s big trouble.

I’ve outlined what’s happening…and what you can do right now to get prepared.

All the details are at this link.
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Everyday America

This teacher is going above and beyond for a student

A teacher helping a student
Image Source: Today

As Harrison battled for his life, Heim offered to drive him home after school to ensure he didn’t fall behind.

She brought lessons, sweets, and hope every day.

As Harrison battled for his life, Heim offered to drive him home after school to ensure he didn’t fall behind. She brought lessons, sweets, and hope every day.

“It goes far beyond her just coming here for school,” said Harrison’s mother, “Ever since the minute he was diagnosed … she has been absolutely amazing. She has kept Harrison such a part of the kids’ lives in school and making sure that he feels remembered.”

Harrison is now in remission, but he also has a year of recovery ahead of him.

If you have uplifting and heart-warming stories from your local area that exemplify everyday America, be sure to let us know. We just might include it in our next edition!

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This has been John W Denton for The Local Conservative

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