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#RiggedPrimary And #RiggedDNC Trends On Twitter After Sanders Thumped On Super Tuesday



Spin Control

#RiggedPrimary And #RiggedDNC Trends On Twitter After Sanders Thumped On Super Tuesday


Bernie supporters were out in full force on Twitter, claiming that the Democratic race for a presidential nominee has been rigged.

#RiggedPrimary and #RiggedDNC were trending on the popular social media platform as results rolled in showing Biden sweeping through a majority of the 14 states voting on Super Tuesday.

Sanders’ momentum toward earning the Democratic party’s nomination was seriously hampered as Biden made a full recovery from his early defeats in Iowa and New Hampshire.

This isn’t the first time Sanders supporters have claimed that the system was rigged against their candidate.

Similar conspiracy theories were tossed around in the 2016 election.

What do you think? Is the Democratic primary rigged against Sanders?

Yes or No? Read More

Additional Insight

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This has been John W Denton for The Local Conservative


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