Home Archives SCOTUS Agrees To Hear Obamacare Case

SCOTUS Agrees To Hear Obamacare Case


March 3, 2020


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SCOTUS Agrees To Hear Obamacare Case


The Supreme Court has agreed to hear a multi-state challenge to Obamacare in light of the ending of the individual mandate in 2017.

The challenge argues that since the individual mandate is no longer law, all of Obamacare is now unconstitutional because the original SCOTUS case that upheld the legislation depended on the mandate being considered a tax levied by Congress.

The court has added the case to its next term, starting in October. The ruling would most likely come sometime after the November election.

For Republicans, the hope is that SCOTUS will rule that the remainder of Obamacare can’t stand on its own.

Democrats, however, hope that the court will at least save portions of the law, such as the requirement that insurance companies carry individuals with preexisting conditions.

What do you think? Will the Supreme Court finally strike down Obamacare?

Yes or No?Read More

Additional Insight

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One bold former hedge fund manager just went on camera to expose how Wall Street is failing American investors right now.

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You’re not going to see the details of what he’s predicting anywhere in the news, especially not from the big banks on Wall Street.

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This has been John W Denton for The Local Conservative


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