Home Archives The mainstream media refuses to fact check these Biden lies

The mainstream media refuses to fact check these Biden lies


Daily DC Insider

Joe Biden plans to turn millions of gun owners into felons overnight

Joe Biden giving a speech
Image Source: OAN Newsroom

Joe Biden’s executive actions on guns will turn millions of legal gun owners into felons overnight, and he really doesn’t care.

Biden plans to ban arm braces designed to attach to pistols, devices that became legal back in 2004. Even the ATF has backed off on trying to classify pistols with arm braces as short-barreled rifles.

But liberals still argue the devices make handguns more lethal and need to be banned.

The funny thing is that Democrats never actually go after the type of guns most used in mass shootings.

3.4 million “AR style” pistols have been sold since the Assault Weapons Ban expired in 2004. And if Biden signs the executive order to ban them, all of those people will be criminals at the stroke of a pen.

This really isn’t about guns. It’s about giving the appearance of doing something for the sake of politics.

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The mainstream media refuses to fact check these Biden lies

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Perfect Stock Caught Trading Under Secret Name

This is just bizarre…

We have just uncovered perhaps the most unusual stock we’ve ever seen.

It’s expected to see massive revenue in 2020 – $100 billion.

The company holds over 29,000 patents in the U.S.

It pays an enormous dividend.

And yet…

It’s ultra-cheap – less than $3.

Everyday America

13-year-old on vacation at Disney becomes a hero

Disney World's Magic Kingdom
Image Source: Olga Thompson/Walt Disney World Resort

Walt Disney World Resort is typically known as the Most Magical Place on Earth, but that doesn’t mean that real-world issues can’t take place while in the vacation kingdom.

A 13-year-old girl who was in Orlando, Florida, to enjoy spring break at Disney World wound up doing something bigger and more heroic. Kaydence Henslee was relaxing at a resort pool when she noticed a toddler drifting face down in the deep side.

“I just saw her kind of floating,” said Kaydence of Mayhill, New Mexico. Kaydence immediately pulled the child out of the pool.

A bystander performed CPR on the toddler, who was later identified as 3-year-old Haven Williams. Haven was rushed to a nearby hospital.

If it wasn’t for Kaydence’s quick thinking, everything could have ended very differently!

If you have uplifting and heart-warming stories from your local area that exemplify everyday America, be sure to let us know. We just might include it in our next edition!

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This has been John W Denton for The Local Conservative

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