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This Clinton just proved why no one listens to them


Daily DC Insider

Majority of Americans believe Biden is to blame for border crisis

President Joe Biden
Image Source: Chris Kleponis

About two-thirds of registered voters agree that President Joe Biden is “encouraging” illegal immigration to the United States.

According to a new Harvard/Harris survey, 65 percent of registered voters say the Biden administration’s policies encourage illegal immigration. Just 35%, on the other hand, believe Biden discourages illegal immigration.

There is growing bipartisan agreement among voters that Biden’s policies are behind this latest influx at the border. Sixty-two percent of Democrats, seventy-two percent of Republicans, and sixty-four percent of swing voters say the Biden administration is promoting a border rush.

And when asked if illegal border crossers should be required to go back to Mexico or be released in the US, seventy percent of people agreed that border crossers should be sent to Mexico.

It’s clear that the American people are growing tired of the immigration crisis, but it’s also clear that the Biden administration doesn’t care about fixing it.

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This investment report could be the key to your digital currency wealth

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The cryptocurrency market just flew past $1 trillion in value – and it’s kickstarted a massive investing opportunity.

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Everyday America

How this secret millionaire gave back to the institutions she loved

Evie Lutz
Image Source: Sue Mower

People who knew Evelyn Lutz aren’t shocked to hear that she grew up during a time of economic hardship.

Evelyn “Evie” Lutz was born during the Great Depression, and despite a promising career as a nurse and educator, she still kept the spartan lifestyle she learned as a kid.

Nonetheless, the 86-year-old New York resident, who died Nov. 21, 2020, from COVID-19 complications, possessed a profound sense of kindness, and the true extent of her selflessness was not revealed until after her death.

Lutz had secretly stashed away enough money to be called a millionaire, though the exact sum of her fortune is unknown to anyone but a few. She privately planned to give it all away, leaving more than $2 million in her will to the educational institutions that had influenced her career.

Evie Lutz never sought recognition during her lifetime, but so many people are now thankful for her generosity.

If you have uplifting and heart-warming stories from your local area that exemplify everyday America, be sure to let us know. We just might include it in our next edition!

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This has been John W Denton for The Local Conservative

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