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Guess who was ranked the most partisan Democrat of the House?


Daily DC Insider

The CDC continues to frustrate Americans

CDC Director Rochelle Walensky
Image Source: AP Photo/Susan Walsh

CDC Director Rochelle Walensky continues to make statements that are frustrating conservative and liberal Americans alike.

It’s so bad that even the mainstream media is starting to grow tired of the changing message presented by the CDC.

For months, the CDC maintained that wearing masks and social distancing would continue for the foreseeable future. Walensky even testified before Congress last Tuesday that pandemic restrictions would remain in place. Then, two days later, the CDC announced that most mask and social distancing requirements would end.

“We now have science that has really just evolved even in the last two weeks that demonstrates that these vaccines are safe, they are effective, they are working in the population, just as they did in the clinical trials,” responded Walensky to questions while on ABC.

Hang on a second. So we just found out over the last two weeks that the vaccines are safe? If that’s true, then we put millions of Americans at risk for several months while receiving the vaccine.

No wonder the CDC has lost so much credibility.

More Political Headlines

Gavin Newsom is in full panic mode. His latest move proves it

Guess who was ranked the most partisan Democrat of the House?

Stefanik says the GOP is unified. Is that really the case?

A commander in the Space Force was fired for saying this about the military

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Six Stocks to Buy for the Coming Tech Boom 

Joe Biden just announced a $2.2 trillion infrastructure plan — 

And it could send the value of certain tech stocks through the roof.  

Louis Navellier — the analyst who MarketWatch said found Google first — just named six stocks set to soar thanks to this massive wave of spending… 

You can get the name of all six stocks in Louis’ latest report, “Six Tech Stocks That Could Double.” 

Just click here to claim your free report today.

Everyday America

A stranger helped this mom during her son’s public meltdown

A child in a car seat holding a toy
Image Source: Ashley Fox / Facebook

Ashley Fox was out shopping with her three-year-old son, Norris, who has nonverbal autism, at her local Walmart in Knoxville, Tennessee. He wanted a stuffed dog, but it was more expensive than she thought, so she returned it.

According to Ashley, Norris had a total breakdown. She ran him out of the shop as quickly as she could because he was yelling and crying, and she was trying to get Norris into his car seat.

But then a total stranger approached Ashley and gave her the stuffed puppy that her son Norris so badly wanted.

“This lady comes up behind me, and she pulls this puppy out, and she says, ‘is this what he was wanting?’ and I said, ‘oh my god yes it is,’ and I hand it to him and he just calmed down. I thanked her, and I offered to pay for this puppy, and she wouldn’t let me,” said Ashley. She still doesn’t know the identity of the helpful stranger.

If you have uplifting and heart-warming stories from your local area that exemplify everyday America, be sure to let us know. We just might include it in our next edition!

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The Best Seven Minutes To Start Your Day

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I get a lot of emails from readers looking for recommendations about what’s going on outside of the political arena. I’ll be honest – if I’m looking for a daily round-up that’s both deep and wide, there’s only one place I turn. And that’s The Seven At 7. In fact, it’s the newsletter I turn to as soon as I’ve gotten your first edition ready to go each day. Best of all – I get all of the news I need (and some I didn’t even know I needed) in a short, seven-minute read. Add it to your daily routine. You can thank me later…

Click here and you’re in. Trust me – it’s already earned the “John Denton Stamp of Approval.” 

This has been John W Denton for The Local Conservative

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