Home Archives Trump left a note for Biden – this is what we know

Trump left a note for Biden – this is what we know


Daily DC Insider

Big Shock: A majority of Americans distrust the media

Big Shock: A majority of Americans distrust the media
Image Source: Washington Post

A recent survey on Americans’ feelings toward the media revealed that trust in traditional media sources is at an all-time low. The stats aren’t surprising to anyone who hasn’t been living under a rock for the past few years.

Barely 46% of Americans trust mainstream media, with a whopping 58% of respondents saying major news outlets care more about pushing an agenda than reporting the news. Even worse, 56% were willing to say that the media intentionally tries to misinform people by feeding false narratives or engaging in gross exaggerations.

Interestingly, the results aren’t limited to the United States. Surveys from around the world have produced similar results. So I guess that means you can’t blame “fake news” on Trump.

The poll’s publishers admitted that if the mainstream media hopes to survive, they’ll have to dump their political agendas and get back to reporting the news as-is. In other words, it’s never going to happen.

Meanwhile, alternative news outlets have steadily gained followers due to growing distrust of the major news sources. If the trend continues, the mainstream media elites won’t have anyone left to brainwash.

More Political Headlines

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Trump left a note for Biden – this is what we know

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This is what AOC is demanding now

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5G and “AI” are all the rage…

 But here’s what you likely don’t know:

 The world’s best investors are lining up behind an explosive new technology that could trump them all.

Warren Buffett calls it “ingenious.”

Everyday America

This food bank helped a record number of people in 2020

This food bank helped a record number of people in 2020
Image Source: Feed Indiana

Times have been tough for many Americans lately due to the ongoing pandemic, and many of them are turning to charitable organizations for the first time to get help.

That’s why the Food Bank of Northern Indiana saw a record number of people seeking out support for food and household supplies last year. The food bank says it handed out over nine million meals in 2020. That’s a 35% increase from previous years. With 12 million pounds of food served, the organization says it’s shattered its previous records.

To help boost the efforts, the food bank thought outside the box and developed a mobile food pantry program to help distribute much-needed supplies across its region.

With so many people struggling, it’s great to have organizations like the Food Bank of Northern Indiana helping out. Here’s hoping 2021 is a bit kinder to all Americans, especially those in need!

If you have uplifting and heart-warming stories from your local area that exemplify everyday America, be sure to let us know. We just might include it in our next edition!

This has been John W Denton for The Local Conservative

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