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What you need to know about the latest ballot scam


Daily DC Insider

What you need to know about the latest ballot scam

What you need to know about the latest ballot scam
Image Source: Big League Politics

Yet another whistleblower is coming forward over election corruption involving Democrats.

Based on the latest evidence, local Milwaukee-area Democrats worked a ballot harvesting scheme involving disabled voters.

The whistleblower isn’t a political operative, either. They’re a disability services coordinator, so their claims should be taken very seriously.

According to the coordinator, many of her disabled clients said that they were forced to vote for Biden by Democratic operatives that swarmed local care facilities and group homes.

It shouldn’t surprise anyone that, if the allegations are true, Democrats broke Wisconsin election law.

Of course, the mainstream media is keeping this all quiet.

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Everyday America

Outpouring of donations saved this charitable restaurant

Outpouring of donations saved this charitable restaurant
Image Source: MSN

A downtown DC restaurant that often served the homeless with free meals was on the verge of closing down thanks to the pandemic. But then hardworking and warm-hearted Americans stepped in.

Kazi Mannan’s Pakistani-Indian restaurant provided as many as 80 meals a day to the homeless before coronavirus restrictions forced him to close down earlier this year. When he opened back up, hardly any of his customers came back.

Faced with a financial dilemma, Mannan had nowhere to turn.

But something amazing happened that kept Mannan’s dream alive. Locals and people from all around the US sent donations to make sure the restaurant could carry on its charitable work.

Check out the rest of the heartwarming story here!

This has been John W Denton for The Local Conservative


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