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Biden gets his first look at the presidential daily brief


Daily DC Insider

How the IRS made a major stimulus check blunder

United States Treasury check and money
Image Source: The Gateway Pundit

Few people have accused the IRS of being competent, but its latest blunder has cost US taxpayers millions.

It turns out that the IRS accidentally sent stimulus checks to non-citizens in foreign countries. The mistake cost the US government over $30 million. 

The individuals in question apparently claimed income earned in the US, landing them on the stimulus check disbursement list. Of course, not a single bureaucrat thought to double-check why they sent tax money to people in other countries.

What’s worse is that the $34 million figure is the best guess so far, with the final amount likely to go up as investigators dig into the problem.

It makes you wonder how much money is bleeding out of the IRS thanks to inattentive government workers.

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Everyday America

Dog reunited with owner after seven years thanks to this tech

Honey and his owner reunited after 7 long years
Image Source: Fox News

The importance of having your pet microchipped has once again been proven as a dog that was missing for seven long years was found and returned to his owner thanks to the technology.

Honey was found by San Antonio, Texas Animal Care workers last week and brought to the local shelter. After being scanned for a chip, workers discovered that Honey belonged to someone.

It turns out that Honey wandered away from his owner seven years ago and hadn’t been seen since.

Check out the heartwarming reunion here!

If you have uplifting and heart-warming stories from your local area that exemplify everyday America, be sure to let us know. We just might include it in our next edition!

This has been John W Denton for The Local Conservative

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