Home Archives Feds raided the SolarWinds headquarters in stunning move

Feds raided the SolarWinds headquarters in stunning move


Daily DC Insider

Feds raided the SolarWinds headquarters in stunning move

Feds raided the SolarWinds headquarters in stunning move
Image Source: The Gateway Pundit

In a shocking development in the SolarWinds fiasco, the federal government sent FBI, Texas Rangers, and US Marshals to raid the company’s Austin headquarters.

The government recently announced that compromised SolarWinds software left dozens of government agencies vulnerable to high-level hacking.

It should also be noted that Dominion’s voting systems could have a link to the SolarWinds company.

The federal agents combed through SolarWinds’ equipment and systems, as the issue has quickly become a major national security threat.

Interestingly, the CEO and VP of the company sold extensive stock holdings before the software vulnerability was revealed.

This is a developing story, so stay tuned!

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This “Six-Figure Signal” Is Off The Charts Right Now

2020 has been one of the absolute wildest years in the markets in recent memory.  

A lot of the opportunities that were presented this year were the kind you only see once in a lifetime…  

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Everyday America

Florida man keeps the lights on for over 100 households

Florida man keeps the lights on for over 100 households
Image Source: CNN

A Gulf Breeze, FL business owner donated money to pay the utility bills of over 100 houses that were facing disconnection. 

Michael Esmond paid over $7,000 to pay off the past due bills so local residents wouldn’t lose their electricity.

While Congress has refused to help Americans struggling with the fallout of the pandemic, people like Michael Esmond are stepping in to bridge the gap for as many people as they can help.

If you have uplifting and heart-warming stories from your local area that exemplify everyday America, be sure to let us know. We just might include it in our next edition!

This has been John W Denton for The Local Conservative

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