Daily DC Insider
The BBC accidentally interviewed an imposter pretending to be this Senator
In a hilarious and embarrassing turn of events, the BBC was caught interviewing an imposter posing as US Senator Cory Booker for a radio interview.
The interview aired on Friday, with many listeners immediately confused over the broadcast. “I’m not sure who the BBC World Service just interviewed on Newshour about US relations with Saudi Arabia, but it definitely wasn’t Senator Cory Booker…” wrote one listener on Twitter.
Still, enough BBC listeners were fooled to tweet the real Booker to thank him for the interview. The BBC was forced to issue a correction and apology once they confirmed the error, calling it a deliberate hoax by the still unidentified interviewee.
It’s extremely rare for such a prankster to trick their way onto TV and radio, especially when they claim to be such a high-profile individual. The incident, however, highlights how real journalism has fallen by the wayside. How could journalists be so lazy?
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Perfect Stock Caught Trading Under Secret Name
This is just bizarre…
We have just uncovered perhaps the most unusual stock we’ve ever seen.
It’s expected to see massive revenue in 2020 – $100 billion.
The company holds over 29,000 patents in the U.S.
It pays an enormous dividend.
And yet…
It’s ultra-cheap – less than $3.
Everyday America
A struggling single mother is thankful for her generous neighbors

Jane Cunningham, a single mom in Sudbury, Massachusetts, is thankful for her generous neighbors who helped save her home from disrepair.
“We basically had to board that off and couldn’t use it because a piece of the ceiling had fallen down, and in with that came a giant squirrels’ nest, nuts and all,” said Cunningham about the home’s family room.
Cunningham knew that the home was no longer safe for her and her three children but couldn’t afford to fix it. That’s when a family friend started a GoFundMe page to raise money for repairs. Luckily, a local contractor saw the campaign and decided to do something about the unfortunate situation.
If you have uplifting and heart-warming stories from your local area that exemplify everyday America, be sure to let us know. We just might include it in our next edition!
This has been John W Denton for The Local Conservative
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