Home Archives Jill Biden’s most recent speech was an embarrassing spectacle

Jill Biden’s most recent speech was an embarrassing spectacle


Daily DC Insider

Jill Biden’s most recent speech was an embarrassing spectacle

Jill Biden giving a speech
Image Source: AP Photo/Carolyn Kaster

Boy oh boy, was Jill Biden’s speech…something. The First Lady appeared to a “crowd” of what looked like 20 people, yelling at them in what sounded like Spanish…maybe?

You’ve got to watch the video to get the full cringe-factor of the spectacle.

Biden tries to holler “si se puede” or “yes we can” to rally the crowd to her cause. At least, that’s what I think she was trying to do.

Listen, if a Republican tried to pull off a stunt like that, they’d endure endless ridicule and criticism in the media. Some would even accuse them of trying to appropriate a minority culture for a political agenda.

Not Jill. She just got a little tongue-tied.

But here’s an idea: if you don’t speak a foreign language, maybe you shouldn’t try to use it during a political speech? Or, take the time to at least learn some basic phrases before you butcher it?

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Everyday America

The adorable reason this stray dog kept sneaking into a dollar store

A stray dog cuddling a stuffed unicorn
Image Source: Duplin County Animal Services

A four-legged thief with puppy-dog eyes is getting his happy ending.

A homeless dog was caught trying to steal a giant, fluffy unicorn from a Dollar General in Duplin County, North Carolina – not just once, but multiple times.

According to a viral post from Duplin County Animal Services, the animal control officer brought the dog into the shelter, but not before buying him the beloved pink unicorn.

Social media photos show the dog, who has been named Sisu, snuggling happily with his new friend. But that isn’t his only new friend –his viral story has landed Sisu a forever home.

If you have uplifting and heart-warming stories from your local area that exemplify everyday America, be sure to let us know. We just might include it in our next edition!

This has been John W Denton for The Local Conservative

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