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Lawmakers are actually working together on this major issue


Daily DC Insider

GOP lawmakers blast Democrats for ignoring the border crisis for 100 days

People crossing the US-Mexico border
Image Source: Reuters

Republicans on the House Oversight Committee chastised Democrats on Friday for disregarding their demands for a hearing on the border issue for 100 days straight.

According to a news statement from the group, Saturday will mark 100 days since GOP members of the committee first requested a hearing on the situation from Chairwoman Carolyn Maloney, D-N.Y., back in March.

“For 100 days, Chairwoman Maloney and Oversight Democrats have failed to hold a single hearing on President Biden’s border crisis,” said James Comer, R-KY, a ranking member of the committee.

It’s unlikely that the statement will push Democrats to take action. They’re taking their cues from President Biden, and we all know that he doesn’t care about fixing the immigration problem.

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Everyday America

Eagle Scout receives Heroism Award for pulling woman from burning car

Eagle Scout receiving Heroism Award
Image Source: Ethan Harrison

Mychal Van Allsburg didn’t expect to win an award for rescuing a woman from her burning automobile in 2018.

But Mychal eventually revealed his excellent deed on his Eagle Scout application. His troop leaders teamed up as soon as they found out about the heroic act.

Mychal’s mentors saw that his actions were something to be proud of. As a result, the Heroism Award was presented to Mychal in Ponoma Park in Fruitport, Michigan, on Saturday.

“To earn this honor, I mean… it’s a big deal,” stated Glen Selle, the scout master of Troop 11 in Fruitport.

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This has been John W Denton for The Local Conservative

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