Daily DC Insider
Rep Gaetz Files Ethics Complaint Against Schiff
Matt Gaetz, a Republican representative from Florida, filed an ethics complaint against Adam Schiff on Wednesday.
As you know, Schiff is currently heading the secretive impeachment inquiry against President Trump.
In his complaint, Gaetz argues that Schiff is engaging in “unprofessional and divisive behavior.” Schiff has continuously been on the attack against Trump and has kept Republicans in the dark during the impeachment inquiry.
While the full text of the complaint has yet to be released, you can read Gaetz’s comments about his filing here.

White House Watch
US Economy Continues To Set Records
The White House announced today that the current economic expansion occurring under the Trump administration is the longest one in US history.
Starting nearly a decade ago and still steaming ahead, the current economic boom continues to break records.
The latest economic data confirms that GDP growth continued into the third quarter of 2019, beating market expectations.
The report details how Trump’s policies continue to expand the American economy, despite the doubts of his detractors.
The full report offers up some remarkable details and statistics, which you can read here.

Spin Control
Trump Nominee Breaks Down In Tears During Hearing
Trump’s nominee for the 9th circuit court of appeals broke down in tears while defending himself from liberal attacks.
The American Bar Association issued a letter claiming they feared that Lawrence VanDyke would not treat LGBTQ people or issues fairly.
When asked about the letter during his hearing, VanDyke fiercely defended himself, breaking down in tears as he proclaimed, “It is a fundamental belief of mine that all people are created in the image of God. They should all be treated with dignity and respect.”
As you may already know, the 9th circuit is viewed as one of the most liberal appeals courts in the US, though there are signs that may be changing. The court has issued some relatively moderate rulings lately.
Liberals, of course, are terrified of a Trump appointee shaping the 9th circuit.
In typical Leftist fashion, Trump detractors resorted to questioning the character and integrity of the president’s nominee, rather than engage him on his record and his public statements.
Are you surprised that the Left continues its campaign to obstruct anything connected to the president?
Take a moment and read the full account of the hearing here.

Everyday America
Astros Fans Take Out Ad Thanking Nats Fans For Kindness
Sometimes sports bring out the worst in us. In the case of this year’s World Series, however, it seems like everyone is getting along just fine.
Houston Astros fans, who are playing against the Washington Nationals, took out a quarter-page ad in the Washington Post, thanking their opponents for their hospitality and kindness during the series.
According to the anonymous purchaser of the ad space, “Nats fans have been nothing but thoroughly friendly, engaging and welcoming.”
You can read the kind ad for yourself here.
This has been John W Denton for The Local Conservative.
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