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Republican Demands Schiff Testify. Will He Comply?


Daily DC Insider

Nunes Calls on Adam Schiff to Testify in Impeachment Probe

Devin Nunes, a Republican member of the House Intelligence Committee, has called on chairman and Democrat Adam Schiff to testify in private as part of the House’s ongoing impeachment inquiry.

In a letter to Schiff, Nunes pointed out that Schiff and other Democrats met with the Ukraine whistleblower back in August 2019, but that they have refused to disclose the details of the conversation.

While Democrats squabble over the content of Trump’s Ukraine call, they actively work to cover up their own conversations and meetings related to the issue.

Schiff owes the American people an explanation.

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White House Watch


Trump Tariffs Helping Taiwan and Other Asian Nations

The tariffs that President Trump has imposed on China are helping other Asian nations, according to recent numbers.

American trade with Taiwan, South Korea, the Philippines, and India has increased since the US began cracking down on China’s economic manipulation.

Such a change in trade strategy is beneficial for US consumers and national security as America becomes less dependent on China.

While Trump has received criticism for his tariff policy, it seems that his economic decisions continue to benefit America as a whole.

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Spin Control

Impeachment Testimony Not Going Well For Democrats

Continued analysis of the impeachment inquiry transcripts reveals that more witnesses are blowing holes in the Democrats’ narrative.

Fiona Hill confessed that she was not actually on the June 25th Ukraine phone call and had no firsthand knowledge of the aid issue.

Alexander Vindman stated that Ukraine did not know about aid being withheld, casting doubt on the quid pro quo claim.

Vindman also admitted that the allegation of Trump demanding Ukraine investigate the Bidens was based solely on his own opinion.

The transcripts from the secret inquiry continue to paint a dim picture for the Democrats’ impeachment push.

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Everyday America


Single Dad Adopts 5 Siblings Aged 5 and Under So They Can Stay Together

A Buffalo, NY man adopted 5 siblings, ages 1-5, so they could remain together in the same family.

Lamont Thomas, who has fostered over 30 children, had been fighting for over two years to keep the siblings from being separated.

The new additions to Thomas’ family now make him a father of 12!

Thomas stated that he was simply trying to make a difference in the children’s lives while they were still young.

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This has been John W Denton for The Local Conservative.

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