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This is how a reporter calls out Jen Psaki after Biden takes credit for something else he didn’t do


Daily DC Insider

The US Border Patrol made more arrests in February than any year since 2006

The US Border Patrol made more arrests in February than any year since 2006
Image Source: Fox News

The Border Patrol made more arrests and detentions for illegal immigration last month than any year since 2006, recent data reveals.

The immigration crisis has exploded in the last month, with the Biden administration forced to reopen detention centers that liberals criticized when used during the Trump administration.

But the White House refuses to say we have a crisis on our hands, even though the administration is considering housing detainees at military bases because we’re running out of room.

The sudden surge in illegal border crossings is linked to Joe Biden’s unwillingness to actually deal with the problem. Instead, he wants to open up the border and disregard our entire system for legal immigration.

This will quickly become a major humanitarian crisis if something isn’t done. Both liberals and conservatives can’t agree that the government has completely failed to deal with our immigration system.

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This is how a reporter calls out Jen Psaki after Biden takes credit for something else he didn’t do

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Everyday America

Woman uses power of Twitter to return long-lost family photo

The family photo
Image Source: Victoria Johnson

Every few years, a New York City woman took a moment to admire the family photo tucked away on her shelf — but it wasn’t a photo of her own family.

Victoria Johnson came across the decades-old photo 15 years ago in a book she bought at a used book store.

The lost photo depicted a Black family from the 1960s — a husband, his wife, and their two daughters. As a historian and professor at Hunter College, Johnson said she was drawn to it.

Hoping to share the photo with the family and give them back a piece of their lost history, she posted the picture to Twitter.

The tweet quickly gained traction, with thousands of people from around the country joining in to help solve the mystery.

And Twitter helped out in a big way in just two days! See how the family from the photo was found after all this time.

If you have uplifting and heart-warming stories from your local area that exemplify everyday America, be sure to let us know. We just might include it in our next edition!

This has been John W Denton for The Local Conservative

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